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Why the Purchase of Fake Designer Bags is Dangerous
Quality Concerns
Imitations bags do not possess the quality and workmanship of the original designer handbags. The materials used in fake products are of low quality and they also wear out fast, hence the shortened life expectancy of the bag.

Legal and Ethical Issues
Demanding fake designer bags promote fake products, which in turn fuels unethical working conditions and poor pay to employees. Most counterfeits originate from materials that are manufactured under coercion.

Economic Impact
Piracy is poisonous to the global economy and has an ill effect on other legal business entities. Original luxury brands devote a lot of money to product design, production, and promotion, and imitations erode their value.

Although these impostor bags may provide an effortless solution to the allure of design, yet the above highlights the issues surrounding quality, ethics and legal compliance. Here’s what you need to know so that you can be able to know how to avoid the products : By knowing the risks, you will be in a better position in identifying counterfeits. However, general knowledge is the best weapon to fight the misconceptions of the designer product market or simply choosing an individual style.

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