Job-Tip „Mag. Petra Miteff“

„Mag. Petra Miteff“ is chief of Marketing, Sales and Public Relations of „HDI Versicherung AG“. The answers below are parts of an interview given to Club-Carriere. The whole interview you can read at this LINK

What was decisive for your success?
Having the determination and courage to approach new things positively and to take responsibility – even for tasks that are and were not always clearly and unambiguously defined. Working in a team usually brings more success than in a company where hierarchical thinking prevails.

Is it more difficult for you to be successful as a woman in business?
No, because in my opinion, every woman can manage to position herself with expertise and performance just like the male gender. I also don’t believe that the so-called „women’s quota“ will change the situation. As a woman, you have the willpower and the willingness to continue your education to take a successful path. In this company, I was asked by the Board of Management if I would like to take over this position because my predecessor was retiring. I did not actively apply for this position; it simply happened because I had done a good job and was also trusted. This performance was rewarded.

What advice would you like to pass on to the next generation?
In my experience, to have a successful career in our industry, you should have a keen interest in finance. Marketing and PR are big areas and for that accuracy is needed as well as creativity. Graduates should have a basic education in the respective areas, because there are many opportunities to redesign and modernize in the insurance industry. I would also like to mention the topic of „digitalization. In general, it doesn’t hurt to go through the day with your eyes open and to be broadly positioned. The will to learn new things should also be present, because the future of this profession will still offer many surprises. The insurance market will need new products. For example, insurance policies that cover risks for a short period of time.

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