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I've been in my new job for two months now. And totally happy. It was very simple. Upload your CV - write your letter of application - off you go. 3 days later I got the call. And the next month I started. That was easy.

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"At first I didn't think it mattered whether I was registered in Club-Carriere myself or not. But applicants told me that they read my interview in Club-Carriere before applying because they wanted to know who they might work for in the future. An innovative concept. Bravo!"

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I thought it was great that I could find out in advance not only about the company, but also about the boss of the company in Club-Carriere. What is important to him in candidates, what he values and how he treats employees. That's a great feature.

Andy B.
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"Interestingly, applicants came forward from this site who were more willing to succeed than others. The applicants were interested, had already read about the company and me here on Club-Carriere and convinced me. I will use the site again."

Georg Alexander Angelides
I liked the site immediately. I found everything I needed right away. And it all goes faster somehow, or I was just lucky. The job I found and was eventually hired for is very well paid, with a lot of personal responsibility and communication at eye level.

Jacob S.
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Job-Tip „Mag. Petra Miteff“
„Mag. Petra Miteff“ is chief of Marketing, Sales and Public Relations of „HDI ...
Job-Tip „Baumeister Dipl.-Ing. Josef-Dieter Deix“
Baumeister Dipl.-Ing. Josef-Dieter Deix is the CEO of PORR Bau GmbH and Club-Carriere-Personality. ...
Job Interview Tips: How To Make a Great Impression
Interview tips Before the interview Be on time. Better 15 minutes early than ...
How To Write an Application Letter
Your cover letter should convey why you and only you are the right ...
If you want to make a career
Today it is no longer a matter of course to want to make ...
Jobtips – „DI. Mag. Ing. Michael Toth“
DI. Mag. Ing. Michael Toth is the CEO of Wienerberger Bausysteme GmbH and ...

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